Frequently Asked Questions

How do you select guests for KubeFM?

KubeFM sources interesting Kubernetes stories and opinions from the public internet.

Every month, the instructors at Learnk8s select the best Kubernetes news and republish them on our curated feeds (e.g. Learnk8s, Kubernetes Architect, Kubesploit, etc.).

All articles that are opinions or case studies are then further reviewed and selected to be part of the KubeFM podcast.

The best way to appear on the podcast is to share your knowledge with the community.

When we find your content, we will review it and decide if it's worth discussing on the show.

I have yet to write an article. Can I still come on the show?

The podcast's script is based on and expands on an existing article.

We include more questions to explore the guest's background and some interesting details not covered in the original write-up.

Guests without content are still possible; however, this is an exception.

Do you accept sponsored guests?

The KubeFM podcast is a podcast for the Kubernetes community.

We put much effort into making each episode helpful and valuable to our listeners.

If you aim to showcase a product or service, consider our sponsorship packages instead.

You can support our work and help grow the podcast while having the chance to reach our audience with your products or services.

Can I sponsor an episode?

You can sponsor an episode, help the podcast grow, and reach more community members.

In exchange, we will:

  • List you as a sponsor in the description.

  • Show your logo on the video recording.

  • Include a 30-second pre- or mid-roll advert in the recording.

  • Mention your company in the marketing campaign.

How can I reach out?

If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]