Runtime security in the ephemeral world of Kubernetes

Runtime security in the ephemeral world of Kubernetes


  • Alexander Lawrence

Kubernetes security requires new approaches for ephemeral, fast-moving environments.

In this interview, Alexander Lawrence, Director of Cloud Security Strategy at Sysdig, discusses:

  • The challenge of securing ephemeral containers - with approximately 60% of containers living for less than a minute, traditional security approaches struggle to keep pace with Kubernetes' speed and scale

  • The shift from preventative security to an "assumption of breach" model - as cloud attacks now happen in under 10 minutes, security teams must prepare for breaches rather than just trying to prevent them

  • The importance of community collaboration in security - open source security tools are responding faster than proprietary solutions, highlighting why security should be treated as a collaborative effort rather than a competitive differentiator

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Bart: Welcome to KubeFM. Can you tell us a little bit about who you are, where you work, and what your role is?

Alexander: I am Alex Lawrence, Director of Cloud Security Strategy at Sysdig. Sysdig provides runtime security for containers, Kubernetes, and cloud technologies. If you've been making a credit card transaction or buying something at a grocery store, you're likely interacting with a system protected by Sysdig. You might also know us for Falco, a project we originated and donated to the CNCF. It is now a graduated project focused on runtime security in the open source world.

Bart: I notice the transcript snippet is incomplete. Could you provide the full transcript where Alexander Lawrence discusses the three Kubernetes emerging tools he's keeping an eye on?

Alexander: The first tool that comes to mind is K8sGPT. We wouldn't be remiss to talk about AI at some point. It is a tool for scanning and diagnostics of your Kubernetes cluster, looking for potential issues. It has a model trained like an SRE to help you understand what's going on.

Another tool is Stratoshark, which is a continuation of the Wireshark lineage. It's Wireshark re-envisioned to read system calls and cloud logs, bringing the Wireshark workflow to the cloud-native era.

The last tool, tangentially related to Kubernetes, is CodeGate. It's an open-source proxy that sits between a developer's laptop and an LLM. It allows organizations to build policies that prevent sensitive information from being leaked from the codebase to the LLM itself.

Bart: Now, one of our podcast guests, John McBride, expressed that Kubernetes is the platform of the future for AI and ML, particularly for scaling GPU compute. Do you agree with this assessment, and what challenges do you see in running AI workloads on Kubernetes?

Alexander: It's no secret that Kubernetes is powering AI platforms because it provides speed, scalability, and flexibility. It's definitely the infrastructure platform of choice going forward. This means it's susceptible to the same problems Kubernetes professionals are experiencing today. Containers live for very short periods. Things move extremely fast. Knowing exactly how a platform is exposed, where it's exposed, and what data feeds it matters significantly in the Kubernetes space. AI platforms are no exception.

Bart: Alexander Lawrence observed that the big challenge over the years is not so much about the features in runtime security, but about getting people to use them. How do you address the adoption challenge regarding Kubernetes security features?

Alexander: The most alarming portion is the speed at which Kubernetes operates. Sysdig puts out a great usage report every year on security statistics around Kubernetes and cloud data environments. Something that's been trending every year is the duration containers live: approximately 60% of all containers live for less than a minute.

When you start thinking about security tooling for something this ephemeral, how do you implement an effective strategy? How do you deal with the problem this speed presents? It creates a real challenge getting people to trust how to do these things in real-time, at runtime, at the speed and scale Kubernetes operates.

We all complained when VMware came around and suddenly we had hundreds of virtual machines that dramatically increased our server count. Containers and Kubernetes make VMware look like child's play. This year's environment sprawl is gigantic, and that's probably the single biggest barrier to adoption.

Making security tools easy, native, and out-of-the-box—with just a click of a button—is how we'll overcome these challenges.

Bart: With that in mind, as a bonus question, for companies that know they need to establish a baseline runtime security culture: What are the common tips for those struggling with this? Do we really need it? What's step one? What's step zero? How do you approach that?

Alexander: It sounds cliche, but it's about getting to the people, supporting them, educating them, and getting them involved in the process. Have your security organization partner with operations and development organizations. It used to be like a brick wall where teams threw things back and forth to get things done. That can't be how we go forward. It has to be a collaborative relationship. We have to build champions inside our own organizations and work together much more closely so that we're all part of the security process. It's no longer "that's their problem" or "this is my problem" - it's everybody's problem.

Bart: One of our other podcast guests, Hans, compared delivering software now to 20 years ago. He mentioned that while downtime was acceptable in the past, it simply isn't today. Hence, building platforms on top of Kubernetes requires more tooling than ever. Is it possible to keep tool sprawl at bay? And what kind of tools are essential for building mission-critical platforms?

Alexander: That is another very good question. I have lots of conversations with folks around the globe about what good runtime security look like. The most common thing I hear is, "I don't have a tool problem, I have a people problem. I need more FTE hours and hands-on experience to get these things done effectively." That's 100% true.

I'd also assert that the tooling they had was sufficient when the world looked different 10, 15, 20 years ago. In the modern era, those same tools don't necessarily check the box in the same way. The analogy I typically use is that legacy tools can tell you the neighborhood that has a problem or the server with an issue. More modern tools built for cloud native and Kubernetes ecosystems can not only tell you the neighborhood but get you down to the particular room inside the house that's having the problem. Being able to diagnose security or operational issues helps augment the people time constraints we have today.

You have to change your entire model. We used to live in a world where security was a preventative measure, trying to stop problems before they occurred. The scale and environment today make that approach insufficient. It's like wearing a helmet when skiing or mountain biking—that's table stakes. But you also need to prepare yourself more meaningfully.

You must change your assumption from "the helmet will protect me from anything" to "I must assume something might go wrong and be prepared for any situation." In security, this is an assumption of a breach model. You have to assume you're always breached because if you're trying to stop an attack, you're already too late. Cloud attacks happen fast—sub 10 minutes. Dwell time is now measured in minutes, not hours or days. If you're not building a security program with this in mind, you're already behind. You must get in front of potential issues by changing your thinking and being more prepared.

Bart: With that in mind, we celebrated 10 years of Kubernetes last year. Looking forward and examining the next 10 years of Kubernetes from a security perspective, some things people discuss include making Kubernetes more boring and the emergence of AI workloads on Kubernetes. What do you expect to happen in the next 10 years?

Alexander: The complexity of cloud environments is just beginning. We're at the start of a significant transformation. Over the next 10 years, these environments will become more complex and diverse. We're moving towards a multi-cloud world that isn't limited to one or two public clouds. This could include on-premises infrastructure, environments running in external cloud providers, and various hybrid setups. We're going to see significant diversification that will add even more complexity to the current technological landscape.

Bart: The transcript snippet "What's next for you?" is very short and lacks context. Without more information about the conversation or the specific topic being discussed, I cannot confidently add hyperlinks. Could you provide more context or the surrounding conversation?

Alexander: Kubernetes and cloud native are built on open source technology, which allows the community to shine through and do things differently. I even think about security breaches we've had in the last couple of years—the community is responding with security tools significantly faster than proprietary solutions, where the collective brain is smarter and faster than singular efforts.

My passion is to help people adopt a more communal type of thinking. I'm a huge proponent of not hiding information from each other. We can't look at security programs as a competitive differentiator. Instead, we need to view them as a collaborative process where we work together, because I guarantee our adversaries are working together. If we think one person can be smarter than 100 or 1,500, that's simply not the case. We must collaborate. That's what I'm hoping to help CEOs do more of over the next few years.

Bart: If you want to collaborate or get in touch with you, what's the best way to do so?

Alexander: Hit me up on LinkedIn. Find me at a conference. I'll actually be at KubeCon EMEA in London next week. So if you're out there, come see me. Otherwise, just look me up on LinkedIn. You can even look up Alex Lawrence, like "cybersecurity fungus" - you'll find some weird stuff out there about me. Just engage where you can find me.

Bart: Perfect, Alex. Thanks so much for your time today. Look forward to seeing you in London. Take care. Thank you.

Podcast episodes mentioned in this interview